
Why Is Soil Important?

Builders, understandably, think a lot about whether or not the foundations they lay will be sturdy enough to sustain the home they build on top of them. However, there is more to establishing a robust foundation than the foundation itself. For example, when constructing a home with a pier and footing foundation or a step footing foundation, it is critical to examine the soil quality along the foundation’s whole footprint. If the builder does not take the effort to analyze and compensate for the state of the soils beneath the footing foundation, the homeowner may face major difficulties in the future.

It’s critical to pay attention to the soil beneath your foundation before you build it to avoid costly foundation repairs in the future.

Why Is Foundation Soil Important?

Normal soils may easily sustain a basic home foundation footing. However, there are times when the soil quality around a property is inconsistent, and this is when trouble begins to brew. For example, if the soil beneath one footing is softer than the soil beneath the other footings, the section of the house above that footing may settle faster and deeper than the rest of the structure, necessitating foundation crack repair.

The condition of the soil just beneath each footing is critical. Because soil pressure is highest at a depth about equal to the breadth of the footing. A standard 16-inch footing, for example, signifies that the soil-bearing pressure is highest for the first 16 inches of soil beneath the footing. The soil-bearing pressure decreases by roughly half after the first 16 inches. Then, after the following 16 inches of depth, by nearly two-thirds.

The Importance of Well-Compacted Soil
While the first 16 inches are the most essential in this example, it’s simple to understand how having soft or sandy soil deeper than that might affect how your foundation settles. As a result, it is critical to ensure that the earth is well compacted before constructing the foundation. If you come across clay, soft soil, or sandy soil when excavating on your land, you should probably speak with an engineer before proceeding.

Other Factors to Consider
Although the quality and density of the soil beneath your footings are one of the most critical factors to consider when constructing your foundation, it is by no means the only one.

Here are some more aspects to consider:

-Footing dimensions: The broader the footing, the more the weight of the house is distributed into the earth. More stability can be provided via wider footings.
-Footing placement: An off-center footing might cause difficulties for the wall since the weight is not distributed uniformly. Furthermore, the structure will be subjected to unnecessary tension.
-Water in the soil: Finding water in the soil during excavation might be a significant red flag, so speak with an expert if you find any during your foundation excavation. To offer more stability, fill the form bottom with stones and compress them into the mud.

Please contact us!
Do you call California home? If this is the case, contact RLM Retrofit Foundation for assistance with the foundation problem. We have experience with sagging foundations and can examine and assist homebuilders in the best route for foundation repair. For further information, please call (800) 824-6699. Call immediately to schedule a Foundation Inspection Near Me Pacific Palisades and repair.

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