
The Different Kinds of Foundation Inspection

Issues with a home’s foundation might pose serious risks. Your house may begin to literally come apart due to sagging walls, deteriorating flooring, and a leaking roof.

The cost of repairing a house’s foundation can be rather high. On average, foundation repairs may cost more than $10,000. Depending on the degree of the damage, it may potentially cost more than the property itself. If there are symptoms of possible foundation difficulties, it is important to have a property you want to buy professionally evaluated.
1. Inspection of a Concrete Slab Foundation
Slab foundations, a common choice in many places, are concrete slabs poured into the earth. They often aid with termite protection. While slabs are the simplest and least costly to build, they can pose major foundation problems.

Contractors must break the concrete open to perform any work since it contains pipelines and other infrastructure components. Another disadvantage of this foundation type is that it is more prone to breaking when the earth moves. Because concrete is not particularly flexible, if one side of the house dips lower than the other, it will break.

Because foundations cannot be inspected from the inside, it is more difficult for the inspector to identify how they are built. They will often inspect the exterior for signs of settling. The inspector may also assess the walls to determine whether they are bending or breaking outward as a result of the slab moving.

2. Pier Foundation Examination
The home is built on deep wooden or concrete piers in a pier foundation. They often have a whole crawl area beneath them. A house foundation inspector may readily reach and check the beams through the crawl area thanks to this design. Pier foundation damage is often caused by the entry of dampness or pests such as termites.

3. Basement Foundation Examination
A basement foundation has subsurface structural walls. Because the basement walls support the rest of the house, the home foundation inspector must step inside to assess the walls and ceilings for damage. If the basement extends above ground level, the inspector will examine the exterior for evident weak points or foundation issues.
If your basement does not go the entire length of your house, the rest of the foundation will be inspected based on the kind of foundation.

The kind of foundation determines the nature of a house foundation examination. Let’s take a look at the three primary types of home foundations and how each is inspected.

Do you require assistance with your Foundation Inspection Beverly Hills?
RLM Retrofit Foundation is the organization for you. Visit us at or contact us at (800) 824-6699 for more information.

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