
How to Restore a Concrete Base That Is Currently Falling Apart

You’ve come to the right site if you’re interested in learning how to fix a concrete foundation that’s crumbling apart. Your home’s foundation is an essential component, and as such, it must be carefully looked after on an ongoing basis and patched up if it sustains damage. This article will explain the reasons why your concrete foundation is crumbling, how to repair a concrete foundation that is failing, and how to prevent your concrete from crumbling in the future.

What could be causing the concrete foundation of your home to crumble?
Scaling is a process that might be responsible for the crumbling of the concrete foundation of your building (or spalling). Scaling occurs frequently when the concrete foundation of your home is subjected to water that is subject to freezing and thawing, which causes the concrete to chip or crumble. Scaling can also be caused by the natural process of aging or by the repeated use of pressure washing or sandblasting on your foundation.

Scaling may appear to be a straightforward cosmetic problem, but if it is not treated, it has the potential to develop into a structural problem over time.

The Process of Freezing and thawing

Concrete may have the appearance of being a solid and long-lasting material, but it is still porous and will take in water. When this water that is trapped inside the concrete freezes, it forces the cement binder apart, which results in the concrete cracking. This expansion, followed by the constriction that results when the water once again melts, is what causes crumbling. If you reside in a region where the winter temperatures are cold enough to cause water to freeze, you should apply a sealer to your concrete steps or walkway once a year to prevent water from getting in.


For the production of concrete, an aggregate in the form of gravel is required. When the stone that was used for this gravel includes particular mineral deposits, those minerals might slowly leach out, causing the concrete to crack and crumble. Pyrites are the primary component responsible for this phenomenon in residential concrete. When present in significant quantities, other minerals, such as silica and mica, are also responsible for the degradation. These issues are not present in newly placed concrete as a result of modern testing standards for concrete; however, older concrete structures may be vulnerable to this problem.

De-icing Salt

A concrete driveway that has been covered in frost becomes slippery and hazardous to walk on. A light coating of rock salt on the surface of the concrete could hasten the melting process and improve your traction, but it will also scratch the surface of the concrete. Due to a chemical reaction, the presence of rock salt, also known as sodium chloride, causes the surface of the concrete to become pitted and crumbly. It is possible to avoid this situation by making use of other de-icing crystals, such as magnesium chloride or potassium chloride.

A Surplus of Water

Dry concrete can be purchased in the form of bags of cement or in ready-to-mix containers, in which the gravel has already been included. Because cement has a chemical reaction when it comes into contact with moisture, the setting process starts as soon as you mix in some water. According to the Portland Cement Association, the chemical linkages that are responsible for a robust and long-lasting concrete surface will become more fragile if an excessive amount of moisture is added during the mixing process. To avoid having concrete that is fragile and breaks apart under pressure use exactly the amount of water that is recommended by the design of the mix.

The RLM Retrofit Foundation has been active across the entirety of the state of California for the greater part of twenty years, trying to raise property values and restore foundations. Their efforts can be found throughout the entire state. Would you like an Foundation Inspection Westlake Village ? At this time, you can reach us at the following number: (800) 824-6699.

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