
Gains in Post-Tension Slab Construction

Most of the articles you’ll find on this subject will be geared toward an audience of engineers and construction professionals. In this article, we’ll educate those who aren’t familiar with post-tension slabs. How well versed are you in the use of post-tension slabs? To begin, let’s define post-tension slabs. The merits and drawbacks of post-tension slabs are discussed in this article. Stay with us, and we’ll fill you in on all you need to know.

What, exactly, is a post-tensioned slab?
Post-tensioned slabs can be thought of as a type of sub-basement construction. In the early 1970s, many homebuilders changed to this method due to poor soil conditions around the Gulf Coast and the fact that the construction procedure was cheaper than normal slab-on-grade construction.

Post-tension slabs are supported by stranded steel wires that are tensioned (tightened) after the concrete has hardened. A plastic tube is used as a kind of covering for the cables. Thus, the cables are protected from coming into direct contact with the ground. When the concrete has reached the correct hardness, the plastic covering is stretched over it. When the post-tensioned cables are stretched, a substantial strain is applied to the concrete structure, compressing the slab and so lowering the risk of shrinkage and soil-induced cracks.

The use of post-tension slabs is popular among builders, but why is that?
Post-tensioned slabs were used for two purposes during the building process.

As a result of the subpar soil quality, construction companies typically opt for post-tension slabs. Southern locations have a problem with their soil because of the short freezing depth.
The lower material and labor costs of post-tension slabs boost the contractor’s bottom line. Regrettably, this action has disastrous results for homeowners. The typical lifespan of a foundation made of concrete and rebar is between twenty and thirty years. The lifespan of post-tension slabs is only 15 to 20 years due to their rapid collapse.

Complications Associated with Post-Tensioned Concrete
Post-tension slabs often have significant cracking problems. Once the concrete has been set, usually, 7-10 days later, the wires laying in it are tightened. For the initial few days, cracks can easily propagate because the wires haven’t had time to extend or lengthen.

Cracks can also occur in a concrete slab if it is stretched, as happens when a truck or other heavy object is parked in front of a structure. Post-tensioned steel tendons are embedded in the concrete at the time of pouring, and tension is applied using regular reinforced bars.

Post-tensioned slabs have a second issue in that the footings are employed to hold the foundation. Extra concrete in the footings and soil in the spaces between the footings cannot be bound together with the necessary tension. This results in a lack of tension in the cable, which makes it vulnerable to bending.

Fixing cracks in slabs after construction is complete can be very expensive. Just think of ripping up your carpet or floor to repair a little defect that you might not even see. Repairing cracks can be a costly and time-consuming endeavor. A family may have to temporarily relocate if the damage to their home is too extensive to be repaired in place. Concerns about price increases are discussed.

If you have any questions about the services RLM Retrofit Foundation offers and how they can benefit you, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. You can reach us at (800) 824-6699 or through our website. Foundation Inspection Channel Islands Beach and repair services are available now.

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