
Discover How Pier and Beam Foundations Work

Pier and beam foundations were the conventional choice for home development in the late 1940s and early 1950s. However, as the suburbs expanded in the 1960s and 1970s, slab foundations became the standard.
There are several foundation types utilized in residential, commercial, and industrial structures. The pier and beam foundation, on the other hand, is one of the most common foundation designs today. Pier and beam foundations have several advantages for homeowners considering a new building or foundation repair.

A pier and beam foundation is what it sounds like.
A pier and beam foundation is one that is made up of concrete piers that support beams. The weight of the house is supported by the beams.

What is a pier and beam foundation?
The piers that comprise a pier and beam foundation are composed of concrete and are spaced at regular intervals around the house’s perimeter and, if necessary, the interior. The beams that carry the weight of the house are then placed on top of the piers by the masons. Crawl space is normally left free between the ground and the bottom of the beams.

Consider how pier and beam foundations operate and the benefits they provide:

Pier and beam foundations are made up of three major components. First, a reinforced concrete footing is sunk deep below, anchoring the entire building’s foundation in the earth and preventing displacement in volatile soils. Piers are then built and fastened to the footing. Piers, like pilings used in other forms of building, are often composed of concrete or brick. Piers emerge from the ground and are supported by beams that are directly connected to the floor joists beneath your flooring.

A pier and beam foundation has a number of advantages. These structures operate well in dry soil environments. Because the footings are located far underground, changes in the soil at the surface level have no effect on them. This assures that your house will remain quite stable. Another benefit of pier and beam foundations is that they provide homeowners quick access to electrical and plumbing components that would otherwise be buried beneath a concrete slab foundation. This simplifies and reduces the cost of repairs.

Pier and beam foundations are very attractive to many homes. These foundations are 20-30 inches above ground level, giving the homes they support a larger appearance. Homes with pier and beam foundations do not have basements and instead, have crawlspaces accessible from the outside.

Pier and beam foundation vulnerabilities
Foundation Settlement: When a pier settles, the beam it supports might slip and break. The good news is that pier and beam foundations settle at a slower pace than slab foundations.

Moisture: Because the crawl area is exposed, moisture can enter the home via the foundation, causing mold and mildew issues.

Critters and insects: Open crawl areas provide pests and insects free access.

Contact RLM Retrofit Foundation to discover more about the advantages of pier and beam foundations, installation, or repair. We specialize in Foundation Inspection Near Me Playa Del Rey and repair services for various types of foundations, including press pilings, pier and beam foundations, and mudjacking. For further information, call (800) 824-6699.

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