Different Types of Concrete Pile Foundations and Their Design Formula
Shallow and deep foundations denote the depth of the soil on which structures are built. A shallow foundation is one that is less than 10 feet deep and has a depth less than the width of the footing. When the surface soils are strong enough to handle the applied loads, shallow foundations are employed. A deep foundation is one that is deeper than the breadth of the building’s base. Deep foundations are frequently utilized to move building loads deeper into the earth.
Situations in which deep foundations are employed
-Soil near the surface with relatively low bearing capacity (700 pounds per square foot or less)
-Soils with expanding clays near the surface (shrink/swell soils)
-Surface soils that are prone to removal due to erosion or scour
Deep foundation classification
Deep foundations are divided into three types:
-Construction of pile foundations
-Strong foundations
-Foundations Caisson
Foundations based on piles
A pile foundation is a series of columns built or inserted into the ground to carry weights to a lower level of subsoil. A pile is a long, cylinder-shaped structure composed of strong material, such as concrete. Piles are driven into the earth to provide a stable foundation for constructions placed on top of them. Pile loads are transferred from buildings to hard strata, rocks, or soil that has a high carrying capacity. The piles provide structural stability by being firmly embedded in the earth. Because pile foundations are embedded in the ground, they are more resistant to erosion and scour.
Pile foundation installation
Pile drivers are used to hammering or driving piles into the earth after they have been cast at ground level. A pile driver is a machine that smashes the pile into the ground while holding it upright. Lifting a heavy weight and lowering it on top of the pile is used to repeat blows. Piles should be hammered into the earth until they hit the refusal point, which is the point at which they cannot be pushed any farther into the soil. The method used to place a pile is an important factor in the structural stability of pile foundations.
The driven-pile approach is optimal because it causes the least amount of disruption to the supporting soil surrounding the pile and results in the maximum bearing capacity for each pile. Because each pile has an impact on the earth around it, piles must be spaced far enough apart to ensure that loads are dispersed equally.
pile classifications
Bearing heaps, friction piles, friction-cum-bearing piles, batter piles, guide piles, and sheet piles are the many types of piles based on their purpose.
Piles are characterized as lumber heaps, concrete piles, sand piles, or steel piles based on their material composition.
1)Bearing piles are pushed into the earth until they hit a hard stratum. Bearing piles lie on the hard stratum and serve as structural supports. Bearing piles support vertical loads and transfer the weight of the building to the hard stratum beneath.
2)When the soil is soft and there are no firm strata available, friction piles are employed. These piles are lengthy, with roughened surfaces to improve the surface area and frictional resistance. They rely on frictional resistance between their outer surface and the soil with which they come into touch. Friction piles are not supported by hard strata.
3)In order to resist inclined weights, batter piles are pushed inclined.
4)Guide piles are utilized to create secure foundations for underwater construction while building cofferdams.
For further information, please call the RLM Retrofit Foundation at (800) 824-6699 fro your Foundation Inspection Playa Del Rey and repair concern .