Dampproofing vs. Foundation Waterproofing
Waterproofing and damp proofing are two techniques for preserving the concrete foundation of your house. On paper, the two appear interchangeable, and you may be wondering if it makes a difference which one you choose. Here are a few fundamental differences between the two systems, as well as why picking the appropriate one for your house is crucial.
What exactly is waterproofing?
Cracking is one of the most serious issues with foundations. Waterproofing prevents water from entering cracks. It is the greatest option for getting to the bottom of the issue and averting foundation damage. There are various methods for waterproofing concrete. Waterproofing paints and primers are popular DIY ways for preventing dampness. The paints and primers, however, will not prevent water seepage via fractures and porous concrete. They can also trap humidity inside the foundation wall.
Exterior and interior drainage systems are more durable and effective methods of protecting your foundation. Exterior drainage systems are ditches with a network of pipes. They are often built at the lowest point on your home’s exterior border. These systems safeguard foundations by diverting surface and groundwater away from them. They are, nevertheless, prone to clogging with dirt and debris.
The most common approach is interior drainage systems. These systems are the least intrusive way of waterproofing your foundation. These systems, which are installed along the perimeter of your foundation walls, collect water from the floor/wall junction (“cove”) and the walls. Interior drainage systems also alleviate hydrostatic pressure, which is an advantage. This is the force of groundwater pushing through basement walls or foundations.
What exactly is dampproofing?
Dampproofing protects a structure’s integrity by keeping moisture out and limiting water penetration via tiny gaps. Although dampproofing coating may be put after the fact, it is easier to apply in property during construction. However, doing so is complicated and costly. The dampproofing mixture is often tar or unaltered asphalt put to the exterior of the wall. It cannot, unlike waterproofing, stop more serious damage or prevent water from entering crevices.
Which one should I go with?
The International Residential Code, which outlines the building rules that govern building construction, requires dampproofing for every concrete floor that is not already waterproofed. A waterproofed building foundation will be on a high-water table or in other settings that might create dampness. Depending on the location of the construction, either dampproofing or waterproofing will be required by law. It is critical to have a qualified contractor that can advise you on the conditions of your building. They can aid you in deciding between waterproofing and dampproofing.
Find the Best Waterproofing Solution for Your Foundation!
With over 20 years of expertise, RLM Retrofit Foundation has the knowledge and experience to design a waterproofing system that meets the particular demands of your property. Call now for a free consultation and obtain a lifetime warranty that ensures your Foundation Repair Venice will be safeguarded for years to come.
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