
Checklist for Preventative Home Maintenance in the Spring

What kinds of preventative maintenance should you be performing on your home during this time of year? Use this spring maintenance checklist as a guide to determine what tasks need to be completed in order to properly care for your home and yard.

Home maintenance that is performed on a regular basis can boost the resale value of your property, protect it from unforeseen damage, and make it more comfortable to live in. However, it is not always simple to determine what you should be doing and when you should be doing it. This spring maintenance checklist dispels any lingering doubts by providing a step-by-step guide to the necessary yard work and exterior maintenance that should be performed during this time of year.

Bear in mind that the springtime is an essential time for performing maintenance on your home. You should conduct a thorough inspection of your property to look for any damage that may have been caused by the cold weather, and you should make sure that your house is ready to withstand the wet season.

If you keep the advice on this spring maintenance checklist in mind, your house will remain not only secure but also dry and beautiful.

Pick Up the Garbage in the Backyard

Performing spring cleaning chores outside also gives you the opportunity to spruce up your yard. Remove debris from flower beds, rake up fallen leaves, prune back dead foliage, pick up fallen tree branches, and cut back dead foliage. In the early spring, if you have ornamental grasses, you should clean up the dead leaves and make room for new growth by removing the dead leaves.

Trees and shrubs should be pruned.
The spring season is ideal for performing pruning on many different kinds of trees and shrubs. A good pruning will help keep plants at a manageable size, improve flowering or fruiting, and help prevent damage to your home from plants. Keep branches pruned back and away from the house to reduce the risk of attracting unwanted pests, enhance airflow, and stop mildew from forming on the siding.

When possible, spring-flowering plants should not be pruned too early. In the next few months, plants like lilacs and forsythias will begin to bloom, and in order to achieve the most beautiful display, you should prune them after they have bloomed.

Enhance the Aesthetic Value of the Landscaping Around the Foundation.
Your home’s long-term structural soundness may be improved by the landscaping that is immediately adjacent to the foundation, or it may be compromised by issues such as rot, water damage, or pests.

First things first, clean up the area around the foundation of the house, including any window wells that lead down into the basement. Make sure that water is directed away from the foundation of your house by examining the grading of the land that surrounds it. You should also keep soil and mulch away from the edge of the foundation because they can both trap moisture and invite termites.

If you believe that you may be having an issue, you should seek the advice of an expert from the RLM Retrofit Foundation. It’s possible that you’ll need to inspect the house foundation or make repairs to the foundation of the house.

Prepare in advance for the summer’s projects.

Do you plan to tackle any significant projects related to the upkeep of your yard this year? The spring is an excellent time to plan out any future projects, such as modifying the drainage system, putting in walkways, putting in garden beds, or even painting.

This year is expected to see an increase in the number of home repairs performed as 36 percent of homeowners intend to make improvements to their properties. A growing number of homeowners are enhancing the functionality of their dwellings by constructing new rooms such as home offices, home gyms, and man caves.

Homeowners are also investing in home repairs that will have a significant impact over the course of their ownership. Putting in a sump pump and waterproofing your home are two examples of preventative measures that can shield your property from the risk of flooding while also providing you with mental comfort.

The trained professionals at RLM Retrofit Foundation are able to provide assistance to you in finishing the home repairs that will safeguard your investment and protect your home. Give your local RLM Retrofit Foundation a call right now at to schedule a free Foundation Inspection Near Me Westlake Village.

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