Are You Prepared To Get Wet If It Rains?
There are a few things that all of us should check to ensure that our homes are safe during the wet winter months here in Southern California. Considering that we have just gone through the season’s first significant rainstorm and that another one is on its way, we have just experienced the first major rainstorm of the season.
The rain gutters are spotless and unobstructed.
Rain gutters are quite effective…
Whenever there isn’t a lot of debris in them. Things such as blown leaves that have fallen to the ground and small branches that were broken off of trees might find their way into your rain gutters. When these items make their way into your gutter system, they take up space and have the potential to eventually produce a blockage, which will prevent water from flowing freely through the gutters. You can get specialized equipment to help you clear up your gutter systems, which you may buy. You may also contact a company that specializes in gutter cleaning to come out and take care of the problem for you.
Drainage systems on the surface are operational.
Surface Drains are wonderful…when they are not damaged or blocked with debris. The majority of surface drains have good designs, however, they are not adequately maintained. If you don’t do routine maintenance on your drainage systems, it won’t be long before they get clogged, broken, or otherwise rendered ineffective. There is a potential for a buildup of grime and weeds within the drainage system if the drains are not cleaned at least once each year. Another thing that happens rather regularly is that the root systems of vegetation will make their way into the pipework. Root systems, such as those found in trees and bushes, are particularly fond of drain systems. The reason for this is that drainage systems almost always contain water within them or next to them. In order to maintain themselves, root systems are programmed to look for sources of water, and drain systems almost always contain water either within them or around them.
The best course of action is to make sure that everything is in good functioning order far in advance of when you will need it. You should also come to the realization that the preventative mechanisms you believed you had in place are not really preventing much of anything. Water is wonderful for drinking, but there is never a need for it in your house.
When water penetrates an area of ground that is not yet saturated with it, it can cause foundation heaving, which refers to an upward movement of the soils that make up your foundation. Dry soil, which has a low water saturation, works as a magnet for moisture; as a result, the soil’s surface area increases, and the soil itself grows larger. The presence of adjacent vegetation, particularly tall trees, is one of the most common and significant contributors to heaving. Your foundation may lose some of its soil over time as a result of the growth and expansion of the roots of nearby plants. The addition of water to this mixture will cause it to expand further, which may result in heaving.
The RLM Retrofit Foundation may be able to provide aid in certain circumstances. A contracting company can provide you with both an assessment of your home and a free service quote describing the strategies that may assist you in restoring order to your basement right this very moment. Both of these services are available right now. The time has come to make arrangements for a Foundation Inspection Corona in your area.
Don’t waste the summer worrying about your broken patio Corona