Different types of ceiling cracks and what causes them
Wooden, concrete, steel, or any other material building will shift over time. They give the impression of being still yet actually moving. This modest shift is caused by a combination of seasonal temperature changes that cause the soil beneath the building to contract and expand, and the type of natural settling that occurs to all structures over time. As a result of this shift, cracks in the ceiling or wall are to be expected, however, they usually do not pose a serious risk. However, cracks in multiple places indicate a serious structural problem. This means you’ll have to train your eyes to spot them.
Tiny cracks in the ceiling’s plaster or paint that seem like spiderwebs don’t usually warrant concern. As we’ve established, normal building movement, even slight amounts, can cause microscopic fractures in ceiling plaster. In some cases, the paint on the ceiling has developed cracks due to years of buildup. The walls and floors are also covered in them. Not often are they problematic.
Wall-to-ceiling-sized crevices. Damage to the building’s framework is likely the cause of any crack that runs the length of a room, from ceiling to wall and back again. Seek out the advice of a foundation expert right now.
Sloping and fissured ceiling. Bad news. It’s important to look at sagging and cracks very away.
Split in the wall or ceiling. If you see a space between your walls and ceiling, it’s probably due to foundation settling and you should have an expert evaluate your home.
Problematic ceiling cracks: when to worry
So, is it only an issue of aesthetics that comes with the building’s age, or is it anything more serious? As we have been stressing, it is very dependent on the magnitude of the fracture, its location, and the underlying cause. When do you need to call in the experts?
Warning signs of a structural problem include ceiling sagging and cracks.
A single, huge, continuous ceiling fracture that extends across the ceiling and down a wall is highly indicative of a structural issue. Get in touch with a foundation expert right away to schedule an inspection. – Multiple little cracks in the ceiling could be an indication of a major structural problem. Establish a business connection. – If reasonable people suspect a serious issue, then perhaps one does. The information on this page should be used in addition to a professional Foundation Inspection Colton.
If you find these cracks, you should immediately begin checking for other signs of structural damage. You can then determine how bad the damage is from the cracks. Because of the damage, the building will exhibit…
-Sagging or sloping floors that are irregular in height.
Sticky glass and shutting mechanisms.
The tiles on the floor aren’t the only ones affected by the fissures. It’s important to look out for cracks that go all the way across the floor in one direction.
Bowing or cracked walls.
Turning the wall around. An excessive amount of moisture beneath the structure’s base is to blame. Since the outer border of the foundation descends into the damp ground, the inner edge raises up and rotates the wall.
Damaged or crooked moldings. This takes place because of the non-concurrent motion of many components.
The dirt eventually swallows up even brand-new houses. As a result, little fractures will appear in unexpected places, most notably on the ceiling. Small cracks like these usually don’t indicate anything major is wrong with the structure. However, it is helpful to know what to look out for. In this way, if any major fissures do appear, you may address them as soon as possible.
If you notice cracks in your foundation and are unsure what they mean, you should contact a professional. In the event of structural damage, they will arrive, conduct an inspection, and make a decision as to what needs to be done.
Get in touch with RLM Retrofit Foundation to schedule a Foundation Inspection Colton.