
Is It Okay to Ignore Slight Foundation Cracks?

Finding cracks in the foundation of your home can be a cause for concern if you are the homeowner. After all, the foundation is the structural base upon which the rest of your house is built. You quickly start to wonder if the cracks you can see are a sign of a serious problem and if the structural integrity of your house is in danger as a result of the cracks that you can see. When you think about the possibility of foundation damage and increasing expenses for repairs, your mind races through a number of terrifying scenarios.

Numerous factors, including the type of foundation you have, the manner in which your house was built, and the grading, terrain, and drainage around your home, can all contribute to the development of cracks.

We are here to reassure you that not all cracks are created equal and that minor cracks in your foundation may not necessarily mean that there will be a problem.

Fractures in the Foundation at Right Angles

Another common type of foundation crack, known as diagonal cracks, can be found running at an angle of between 30 and 75 degrees from the vertical on the walls of your foundation or basement. Cracks that run diagonally can sometimes be very fine (these are referred to as hairline cracks), but more often than not, they are wider at one end than they are at the other. Differential settling of a foundation, which occurs when one side of a home’s foundation settles lower than the rest of the foundation, is the root cause of these issues. This kind of settling takes place when the soil beneath the structure swells, shrinks or moves away from its original position. This problem can be brought on by drought conditions, flooding, poor drainage, the roots of mature trees, broken water lines, or gutter downspouts that drain too close to the foundation of the house on one side.

Vertical Fractures in the Home Foundation

Cracks in the foundation that runs vertically are relatively common and shouldn’t be a cause for alarm. Cracks that run vertically either go up and down in a straight line or run diagonally at an angle of about 30 degrees from the vertical. The settling of your foundation can cause cracks like these to appear in the foundation. Within the first couple of years after construction, most houses, including those in Austin and San Marcos and throughout the state of Texas, will see vertical cracks form. This is the time period in which the majority of foundation settling takes place. Despite the fact that these cracks do not indicate a problem with the structure, heavy rains may cause water to leak through the foundation wall.

Cracks in the Foundation Running Horizontally
Although horizontal cracks are more common in foundations made of concrete block and brick, they are not impossible to find in foundations made of poured concrete. Cracks that run sideways are an indication of serious damage to your foundation and a threat to the structural integrity of your house. These cracks are caused by a bowing foundation, which is a sign of serious damage to your foundation. This kind of foundation damage can be caused by a variety of factors, such as frost heaves, excessive backfilling, or damage caused by heavy equipment placed in close proximity to the wall. When the pressure from the ground becomes too great for the foundation to bear, it begins to lean inward and develops a horizontal crack that is about halfway up its height.

Step Cracks Stair-step cracks are horizontal and vertical cracks that create a stair-like pattern in concrete block and brick foundations. These cracks can be found in both horizontal and vertical directions. This particular type of crack is frequently an indication that the footing beneath the foundation is shifting in its position. This could be caused by a number of factors, including the external lateral soil pressure that results from an abundance of moisture. If the pressure exerted on the foundation wall is greater than the resistance offered by the wall, the wall will bulge into the basement, which will eventually lead to the formation of cracks.

Make an appointment with one of our foundation repair specialists if you are concerned about cracks in the foundation of your home, whether they are new or old. Our knowledgeable team will perform an in-depth inspection of your foundation and provide recommendations for how the issue can be safely resolved. Make sure your foundation is in good shape by calling RLM Retrofit Foundation right away for a Foundation Inspection Barstow and repair.

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