Do I need to be concerned about the foundation being built on wet clay?
Your foundation may be damaged if the soil around it becomes unstable due to the presence of water. A simple crack to a more serious structural problem like settlement could be the cause of the problem.
Any homeowner’s worst nightmare is a property with clay soil that has become saturated with rainwater. Failure to take action now could result in structural problems that compromise the structural integrity of your home.
What Is Damp Clay?
The term “damp clay” refers to a soil that is wet or has a lot of moisture.
As soon as the water is introduced into clay soils, they tend to expand or swell. Soils rich in silt or clay have the greatest swellability and the greatest risk of foundation damage. Heave and shift, cracks, and foundation settlement are all possible side effects, and they’re all costly to fix. During the summer, as the soil loses water, it will shrink and crack, causing gaps around and beneath your foundation.
Why Is the Soil around the Foundation Wet?
Wetting and softening occur in foundation soils under these conditions:
Heavy rains or storms cause the clay to soften as it absorbs the water. The soil becomes weakened as a result of this softening, which could lead to foundation movement.
Poor Drainage: The soil will absorb water and expand if it collects around your foundation after a rain or snowmelt. As a result, the foundation and walls may begin to bow.
At least once a year, begin by checking the inside of your home for structural damage. Make sure there aren’t any issues related to the soil’s expansion.
Evidence of Soil Moisture in Clay Soils
Red and yellow signs indicate that expansive clay soils are affecting your home or foundation.
Basement/foundation wall cracks are visible
In the summer, soil tends to pull away from your foundation.
Slumpy or wobbly floors
Rub or adhere to their frames on windows and doors.
a door that closes or opens on its own
At the top and on the sides of your door, there should be no voids or gaps.
Veneer cracks in the brick
Foundation soil problems are only one possible cause of these warning signs. Request a thorough evaluation from your foundation repair contractor to verify your suspicions.
Damp Clay Soil: Should I Be Worried?
Molecular polarity and the high surface area of clay minerals combine to make water and clay soils more effective movers. Soil behavior and movement are influenced by clay minerals.
With a mud-like consistency, wet clay can no longer support the weight of your home’s foundation. Take a moment to consider what happens when you walk through a muddy field. The mud will engulf your toes. Similarly, your house will be affected if the clay soil beneath it soaks up rainwater.
An uplifting pressure of up to 5,000 pounds per square foot can be exerted by expansive soils in some areas. It’s impossible for any foundation to hold up under such intense pressure.
A six to eight-inch shift in your foundation could occur if this soil rises upward. In addition to causing your floor to be out of level, this can also raise one side of your house.
Preventing Clay from Getting Wet
When it comes to keeping your foundation healthy, dry, and intact, moisture is your number one enemy. Managing the soil moisture around your home’s foundation is a top priority for any homeowner. To begin, consider:
Remove water from around your home’s perimeter with gutters and downspout installation.
Controlling the watering of plants that are close to the foundation.
The condensate line from your air conditioner should be directed away from the foundation.
Make sure you don’t overwater the lawn by timing your sprinklers properly.
Transforming a negative slope into a positive slope to expedite water runoff.
Planting trees at least 10 feet away from your home is recommended.
Assuring that no neighbor’s drainage enters your property or is located in close proximity to your home.
Interior drainage and sump pumps can be installed to prevent water damage.
Creating foundation walls that can withstand the intermittent pressures and loads exerted by clay soils.
Don’t Let Your Foundation Go to Waste
A free Foundation Inspection Near Me Westlake Village and quote are available from your local RLM Retrofit Foundation repair experts if you suspect that your foundation is being undermined by wet clay soil. Your home’s foundation will be inspected by these experts, who will provide an estimate for any necessary repairs. To prevent water from accumulating around your house, they can also aid in the implementation of efficient site drainage.
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