
Warning Signs That Your Pier and Beam Foundation Has Been Affected

Every house is unique in its own way. Everything from the cuisine to the music to the architecture is influenced by the diverse range of cultures that can be found in our region of the world. You can take a short drive in any direction and almost certainly find a variety of homes that feature architectural elements such as a Spanish-style roof, an Acadian front porch, and antebellum columns. These homes sit on a variety of foundations, each of which has its own distinct set of requirements for the care and maintenance that must be provided to keep it in good condition.

It wasn’t until the 1960s that the method of foundation construction known as “slab on grade,” on which the majority of homes are built today, became the preferred or most commonly used method. In addition, having a home that is 60, 70, or even 80 years old is not unheard of, which is one reason why there are a lot of structures with pier and beam foundations.

The appearance of pier and beam foundations is very dissimilar to that of solid slab foundations. Nevertheless, they both accomplish the same thing. They provide the structure’s support and are vulnerable to the same threats posed by moisture and soil. In light of the aforementioned, it is absolutely necessary to care for and maintain a pier and beam foundation in the same manner as one would a slab foundation, but with a few additional factors taken into account.

Are the gaps between your beams appropriate?
Moisture and subpar construction are the two primary causes of problems that can arise with a pier and beam foundation. For the weight of the house to be distributed evenly throughout the structure, it is essential that the beams and piers be properly spaced. Mold, higher utility bills due to inadequate ventilation, creaking floors, and rotting wood are some of the other negative effects that can result from poor design and drainage.

What are the telltale signs of damage to a pier and beam foundation?
In spite of the fact that the aforementioned are all effects of foundation compromise, there are indicators that can forewarn you about the condition of the pier and beam foundation in your home. You might find that your floors are sagging, that there are spaces between the walls and the floor on the inside of your home, that your walls are cracking, and that the door and window frames are not level.

Fixing many of these issues may require a significant financial investment. In addition to this, if you don’t fix the underlying problem, you might as well not bother repairing the floor or the crawl space because it won’t solve the problem. Monitoring and addressing any concerns regarding the pier and beam foundation will not only save you time and energy in the long run, but it will also save you money.

Time is not on your side if you have any reason to believe that there may be some underlying problems with your foundation. To your good fortune, RLM Retrofit Foundation is available to provide you with a free assessment and Foundation Inspection Near Me Calabasas , in addition to a comprehensive solution, to correct the foundation of your home. Over the past twenty years, RLM has been educating and assisting homeowners all over the state of California. Call the number (800) 824-6699 right now for more information.

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